Monday, October 24, 2005

Well, At Least It's A New Experience...

As I write this, we are in the midst of a direct hit by Hurricane Wilma here in Broward County. We're at the edge of the eyewall and hopeful that the eye itself will pass over sometime in the next few minutes. We'd be at the southern portion of the eye if we get it at all. It would be nice to have the break. But it appears that the border of the eye itself is just north of I-595, about three miles north of us.

For the last couple of hours, we've had winds blowing through here that have reached over 100 mph at some points. A few minutes ago, I watched a portion of my neighbor's roofing blowing down the street. There appear to be as many trees toppled in my neighborhood as still standing. I'm frightened to look at my own roof once it's safe to go out and have a look. The wooden fence in our back yard has completely blown over, and the screen enclosure over our swimming pool is being lifted by one corner. My wife can feel the house vibrating when she leans against the wall.

I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like to go through a category four or five storm. We've had a lot of hurricane scares here in South Florida, and Katrina even crossed into Florida right at the Broward county line. But I've never experienced anything even close to this. According to the radio (our electricity has been out for several hours), this is the hardest hit to Broward County in over 50 years.

I'm finding it not to be much fun, and looking forward to the end of it in a few hours. Fortunately, I believe our lives are safe, but there's going to be a fair deal of property damage.

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