Thursday, March 24, 2005

It's Down To One Man

I'm not encouraged by the AP story that moved at 3:12pm this afternoon, which said:
Bush said he was expecting Greer to rule against the state and he planned to appeal. He added that he won't violate Greer's order by sending state officers to take custody of Schiavo under a law that allows the Department of Children & Families to act in emergency situations of adult abuse.
My understanding is that there is yet another silly appeal going before Judge Greer this evening. If Greer is going to be the final word on all of this, Terri will die. Period. The time for appeals is over.

This is the text of the email I just sent to Governor Jeb Bush (whose email address is
Subject: Sir, you MUST defy Judge Greer

Dear Gov. Bush,

I know you are a good man, and I know you are in a difficult position. But the fact is that Terri Schiavo is going to die if you do not intervene in the next few hours. Her life is now squarely in your hands. Sir, you have a duty before God and before the Constitution of Florida to step in and preserve this woman's life. As the executive of this state, you DO have the power to stand up against an incorrect, immoral ruling by a judge.

The executive branch is coequal with the judicial branch. The judicial branch is out of control. YOU, Gov. Bush, do have the power to intervene and have Terri's feeding tube re-inserted. It will be controversial, and it will foment what some will call a "constitutional crisis." So be it. Such a confrontation is needed and has been needed for a long time. A courageous man will be willing to take that heat.

Governor, PLEASE BE A MAN OF MORAL COURAGE and stand up against the judiciary in defense of this innocent woman's life. You hold her life in your hands now whether you asked for that or not. Whatever her fate now, you will have been complicit in it. Please be on the right side.

I'm praying for you and hoping you will take the courageous stand.

John Rabe

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