Friday, September 12, 2003

More Alan Keyes:

The notion that government can be "neutral" on the issue of God by driving His name out of every vestige of public life is absurd. It is, in fact, the very sort of imposition of a state religion that the Constitution explicitly forbids.

Playing the devil's advocate (literally), I asked Dr. Keyes if groups like the ACLU and Americans United for Separation of Church and State were motivated by a desire to keep religious expression free for everyone. He responded:
They mean to establish a uniform regime of atheism, at every level of public life and government in the United States. That’s clearly contrary to the Constitution, which forbids national establishment. In other words, the Constitution of the United States leaves it up to the states so that there will not be a nationally imposed regime with respect to religion in America. That’s supposed to be left up to the people of the states. But using this abuse of the federal courts, the ACLU and others are seeking to impose a uniform national regime of atheism on the people of the United States, driving God and every reference to God or anything that smacks of religion from every area of our public and political life.
That's a powerful (and manifestly true) phrase: a uniform national regime of atheism. The term a-theism literally means "no god." And that is precisely the religious system being imposed on the American people by the runaway judiciary.

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