Monday, January 19, 2004

For Martin Luther King Day, Jay Bryant has a remarkable column delineating the covert racism of the Democrat Party.

He begins by citing an astounding fact, considering the lofty rhetoric on affirmative action that regularly spews forth from Democrats: Carol Moseley Braun is the only African-American Democrat ever to serve in the United States Senate. And even then, she only won office by defeating the white guy that the Illinois Democrat party had put forward for the nomination.

Says Bryant:
...[S]omewhere between a quarter and a third of all Democrats are African-Americans. So if we applied the concept of affirmative action quotas to the Democratic Senate membership, there should be approximately twelve black Democratic Senators in the current Congress. But in fact, there are none. There weren't any in the last Congress either, or the one before that. Except for Moseley Braun's single six-year term, there have never been any black Democratic Senators.
Well, sure, but still that's one more than those awful, racist Republicans, right? Wrong. As Bryant points out, "There have been three black Republican Senators: Hiram Revels, Blanche Kelso Bruce and Edward Brooke."

Of course, none of this would even be worth mentioning were it not for the harsh rhetoric that Democrats often hurl towards Republicans on race. But the proof, as they say, is in the pudding:
Oh, Democrats will let African-Americans serve in the House of Representatives, but only after carefully carving out black-majority, which is to say segregated, districts for them. Well, you can't expect white Democrats to vote for one of them, can you?

So the Democratic Party's policy, throughout the modern, post-World War II era has been to create separate-but-equal congressional districts. Keep blacks in the ghetto ? the urban plantation. The handful of African-American Republican members of Congress, by contrast, have come from suburban and rural areas, where they have been, often enthusiastically, supported by Republican voters.
The black community's monolithic, inexplicable support of the Democrat party is one of the great mysteries of our time. I've often asked why African-Americans view the Democrat party as their friend on several local radio programs I've hosted. The response is always something like "I have to vote for the one who has my best interests at heart."

So be it. And if your best interests include crippling dependence on government, urban blight, and not being invited to the dinner party unless you've got your maid's outfit on, then keep on pulling the donkey lever--they've definitely got your "best interests" at heart.

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